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hahai: Foster child, adopted
<u>hanai</u>: Foster child, adopted child...
hanu: To breathe, smell, sniff;
<u>hanu</u>: To breathe, smell, sniff; breath, respiration; the last breath of life...
breath, respiration; the last
breath of life...
<u>haole</u>: White person, American, Englishman, Caucasian; formerly, any foreigner.
haole: White person, American,
Englishman, Caucasian; formerly, any
<u>hapa haole</u>: Part-white...
hapa haole: Part-white...
<u>heiau</u>: Pre-Christian place of worship; some <u>heiau</u> were elaborately constructed stone platforms, others simple earth terraces.
heiau: Pre-Christian place of
worship; some heiau were elaborately
<u>heiau ho'ola</u>: Heiau for treating sick.
constructed stone platforms, others
simple earth terraces.
<u>heiau po'okanaka</u>: Heiau where human sacrifices were offered.
heiau ho'ola: Heiau for treating
<u>hiohio</u>: 1) To whistle softly; to blow softly; to draw in the breath as of one eating hot food. 2) Gibberish; to jabber. 3) Lure for trolling, said to be named for its whistling sound tripping over the water.
heiau oo'okanaka: Heiau where human
sacrifices were offered.
<u>ho'ike</u>: To show, exhibit.
hiohio: 1) To whistle softly; to blow
softly; to draw in the breath as of
<u>ho'olono</u>: To listen, hear, obey, obedient.
one eating hot food. 2) Gibberish;
to jabber. 3) Lure for trolling,
<u>ho'opapa</u>: (a) To touch repeatedly; to feel, as a blind person; a contest in wit or strength; to hold such a contest; repartee...
said to be named for its whistling
sound tripping over the water.
<u>ho'oulu</u>: To grow (trans.), sprout, cause to increase, as the surf...2) Possessed by a spirit; inspired by a spirit, god, ideal, person; stirred, excited; to enter in and inspire...
ho'ike: To show, exhibit.
ho'olono: To listen, hear, obey,
<u>'ie'ie</u>: 1) An endemic woody, branching climber (Freycinetia arborea) growing luxuriantly in forests at altitudes of about 1,500 feet...2) A native variety of taro, with leaf blades and flowers suggesting <u>'ie'ie</u>, 1; the leaves are dark and glossy, the petioles reddish with yellow-green stripes.
ho'opapa: (a) To touch repeatedly;
<u>'ili</u>: ...5) Land section, next in importance to <u>ahupua'a</u> and usually a subdivision of an <u>ahupua'a</u>.
to feel, as a blind person; a
contest in wit or strength; to hold
<u>'ili kupono</u>: A nearly independent <u>'ili</u> land division within an <u>ahupua'a</u>, paying tribute to the king and not to the chief of the <u>ahupua'a</u>. Transfer of the <u>ahupua'a</u> from one chief to another did not include the <u>'ili kupono</u> located within its boundaries.
such a contest; repartee...
ho'oulu: To grow (trans.), sprout,
<u>ilo</u>: ...2) Young shoot; to germinate, sprout.
cause to increase, as the surf...2)
Possessed by a spirit; inspired by a
<u>'ino</u>: Wicked; immoral, sinful; sin.
spirit, god, ideal, person; stirred,
excited; to enter in and inspire...
<u>ipu</u>: The bottle gourd...Hawaiians have long used gourds as receptacles, small gourds with thin walls to hold water or food, or for rattles for dances (the <u>ipu</u> has a fine tone, halfway between that of <u>niu</u> and <u>la'amia</u>), larger ones with thin to thick walls to hold tapa and other articles or to serve as drums...
' ie ' ie: 1) An endemic woody,
branching climber (Freycinetia
<u>kahako</u>: Steep, sheer.
arborea) growing luxuriantly in
forests at altitudes of about 1,500
<u>kahu akua</u>: One who takes care of an image or god; priest.
feet...2) A native variety of taro,
with leaf blades and flowers
<u>kahuna</u>: Priest, minister, sorcerer, expert in any profession; to act as priest or expert.
suggesting 'ie 'ie, 1; the leaves are
dark and glossy, the petioles
<u>kahuna lapa'au</u>: Medical doctor, medical practitioner. Lit., curing expert.
reddish with yellow-green stripes.
'ili: ...5) Land section, next in
<u>kaikua'ana</u>: Older sibling or cousin of the same sex; sibling or cousin of the same sex of the senior line, whether older or younger.
importance to ahupua'a and usually a
subdivision of an ahupua'a.
<u>kama'aina</u>: Native-born, one born in a place, host; native plant; acquainted, familiar...
'ili kupono: A nearly independent
'ili land division within an
ahupua'a, paying tribute to the king
and not to the chief of the
ahupua'a. Transfer of the ahupua'a
from one chief to another did not
include the 'ili kupono located
within its boundaries.
ilo: ...2) Young shoot; to germinate,
'ino: Wicked; immoral, sinful; sin.
ipu: The bottle gourd...Hawaiians
have long used gourds as
receptacles, small gourds with thin
walls to hold water or food, or for
rattles for dances (the ipu has a
fine tone, halfway between that of
niu and la'amia), larger ones with
thin to thick walls to hold tapa and
other articles or to serve as
kahako: Steep, sheer.
kahu akua: One who takes care of an
image or god; priest.
kahuna: Priest, minister, sorcerer,
expert in any profession; to act as
priest or expert.
kahuna lapa'au: Medical doctor,
medical practitioner. Lit., curing
kaikua'ana: Older sibling or cousin
of the same sex; sibling or cousin
of the same sex of the senior line,
whether older or younger.
kama'aina: Native-born, one born in a
place, host; native plant;
acquainted, familiar...

Latest revision as of 22:58, 25 June 2006

hanai: Foster child, adopted child...

hanu: To breathe, smell, sniff; breath, respiration; the last breath of life...

haole: White person, American, Englishman, Caucasian; formerly, any foreigner.

hapa haole: Part-white...

heiau: Pre-Christian place of worship; some heiau were elaborately constructed stone platforms, others simple earth terraces.

heiau ho'ola: Heiau for treating sick.

heiau po'okanaka: Heiau where human sacrifices were offered.

hiohio: 1) To whistle softly; to blow softly; to draw in the breath as of one eating hot food. 2) Gibberish; to jabber. 3) Lure for trolling, said to be named for its whistling sound tripping over the water.

ho'ike: To show, exhibit.

ho'olono: To listen, hear, obey, obedient.

ho'opapa: (a) To touch repeatedly; to feel, as a blind person; a contest in wit or strength; to hold such a contest; repartee...

ho'oulu: To grow (trans.), sprout, cause to increase, as the surf...2) Possessed by a spirit; inspired by a spirit, god, ideal, person; stirred, excited; to enter in and inspire...

'ie'ie: 1) An endemic woody, branching climber (Freycinetia arborea) growing luxuriantly in forests at altitudes of about 1,500 feet...2) A native variety of taro, with leaf blades and flowers suggesting 'ie'ie, 1; the leaves are dark and glossy, the petioles reddish with yellow-green stripes.

'ili: ...5) Land section, next in importance to ahupua'a and usually a subdivision of an ahupua'a.

'ili kupono: A nearly independent 'ili land division within an ahupua'a, paying tribute to the king and not to the chief of the ahupua'a. Transfer of the ahupua'a from one chief to another did not include the 'ili kupono located within its boundaries.

ilo: ...2) Young shoot; to germinate, sprout.

'ino: Wicked; immoral, sinful; sin.

ipu: The bottle gourd...Hawaiians have long used gourds as receptacles, small gourds with thin walls to hold water or food, or for rattles for dances (the ipu has a fine tone, halfway between that of niu and la'amia), larger ones with thin to thick walls to hold tapa and other articles or to serve as drums...

kahako: Steep, sheer.

kahu akua: One who takes care of an image or god; priest.

kahuna: Priest, minister, sorcerer, expert in any profession; to act as priest or expert.

kahuna lapa'au: Medical doctor, medical practitioner. Lit., curing expert.

kaikua'ana: Older sibling or cousin of the same sex; sibling or cousin of the same sex of the senior line, whether older or younger.

kama'aina: Native-born, one born in a place, host; native plant; acquainted, familiar...
