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FEDERAL RESPONSES TO THE NEEDS OF NATIVE HAWAIIANS NOTES \J Testimony of Winona Rubin to the Native Hawaiians Study Commission, January 15, 1982, p. 2. 2/ P.L. 95-568. 2/ P.L. 95-524 4/ P.L. 95-341. 5/ P.L. 96-398. ' 6/ 48 U.S.C. § $ 691, et seq. U Military Property Requirements in Hawaii (MILPRO-HI), State of Hawaii, April 1979, by the Department of Defense. The study excludes evaluation of Fort DeRussy and the Island of Kahoolawe, in accordance with Secretary of Defense guidelines, but includes that property in total land area evaluations. One commenter stated that sale of Fort DeRussy would be "an insensitive move." i/ 3. MILPRO-HI, Executive Summary, 9/ MILPRO-HI, Section F. 10/ MILPRO-HI, p. A-l. 11/ MILPRO-HI, Section E. i 2 / It has been suggested that any surplus federal lands be placed in t r u s t for native Hawaiians. However, present law requires that ceded lands be returned to the State. Statutes regarding federal disposal of surplus property govern disposition of the remaining lands and property. 13/ An analysis was made in March 1982 to a s s i s t in expeditinq a c q u i s i t i o n through purchase or exchange. 434