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Hanifin, Patrick. "Hawaiian Reparations: Nothing Lost, Nothing Owed." Article to appear in the Hawaii Bar Journal in Spring, 1983. Hanley, M. L. and Bushnell, 0. A. "A Sony of Pilgrimage and Exile: The Life and Spirit of Mother Marianne of Molokai." Franciscan Herald (Chicago, 1980). (1] Harman, John A. "The Political Importance of Hawaii." The North American Review CLX (March 1895): 374-377. Harrington, Fred H. "The Anti-Imperialist Movement in the United States, 1898-1900." The Mississippi Valley Historical Review XXII (September 1935): 211-231. Hooley,' Osborne E. "Hawaiian Negotiations for Reciprocity, 1855-1857." The Pacific Historical Review VII (June 1938): 128-147. Hughes, Gladys F. "Folk Beliefs and Customs in an Hawaiian Community." Journal of American Folklore 62 (July-September 1949). Hutchinson* William T. "United to Divide; Divide to Unite: The Shaping of American Federalism." The Mississippi Valley Historical Review XLVI (June 1959): 3-19. Johnson, Dr. Donald. "Historical Overview of Hawaii." Prepared Testimony before the Native Hawaiians Study Commission. Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9, 1982. Jonnson, Rubellite K. "Can the Humanities Help the Search for Traditional Hawaiian Values." Hawaii Committee for the Humanities Newsletter (May 1979): 1-9. In Cultural Pluralism and the Humanities. Proceedings of the 1979 Humanities Conference. Panel on "The Hawaiian Renaissance and tho Humanities." Honolulu: Charrinade University (April 14, 1979). [3] "The Contribution of Lahainalund to Educational Excellence." Keynote Address on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Founding of Lahainaluna Seminary in Hawaii in 1831 (May 23, 1981). [3] Jones, Stella M. "Economic Adjustment of Hawaiians to European Culture." Pacific Affairs 4 (November 1931). Kamakau, S. M. Ka Po'e Kahiko. Special Publication No. 51. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum (1964). [1] Keesing, F. M. Hawaiian Homesteading on Molokai. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Research Publications, No. 12, 1936. Kelly, Marion. "Changes in Land Tenure in Hawaii, 1778-1850." Thesis for the degree of Master of Arts, University of Hawaii, 1956. Kikuchi, W. K. "Prehistoric Hawaiian Fishponds." Science 193 (1976): 295-299. Kirch, P. V. "The Chronology of Early Hawaiian Settlements." Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 9 (1974): 110-119. , and Kelly, Marion, eds. "Prehistory and Ecology in Windward Hawaiian Valley: Halawa Valley, Molokai." Pacific Anthropological Records 24 (1975). In Klaus Mehnert, The Russians in Hawaii, 1804-1819. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Occasional Papers, No. 38, 1939. 469